Thursday, August 20, 2009

So, I have this boy...

...and I have a very big crush on him.

This picture is from First Grade, just prior to his first episode of IBD.  The pictures after this look gaunt and haggard for 8 months.  Then there are 4 months of photos where he is bloated on Prednisone to the point where people who knew him well didn't even recognize him.  Then there are about 6 months of losing the bloat (and the hair he grew on his forehead) and then 6 more months of actually growing, re-calcifying his bones, and putting on muscle mass again!  Which just about catches us up to the present day:

Ta Da!  Happy and healthy fourth grader!  (I think one eye is looking at the camera and one eye is looking at himself on-screen.  Don't even try it.  It is a Jedi trick.)


Lorraine said...

Lief wants to know what other Jedi tricks he knows and does he have the ability to double-flip over the Great Pit of Carkoon.

Verification: stoxies=Stumpy pixies.

Alpha Monkey said...

My kids heard the phrase "Chunky Dunking" the other day which made me have to explain "Skinny Dipping" to them as well.