Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Hollywood Remake

(It is cool and rainy here today. Taking a break from my diligent housekeeping, I overheard my three big kids playing trains in the basement. This is the best I can summarize.)

Sir Tophamhat is in prison with Mr. Pigg.

James took over the Island of Sodor and demanded that all trains pledge allegiance to him.

Many trains refused and Thomas and Lady became the leaders of this Resistance. Goldy and Toby were the seconds in command. Percy was the third.

The Resistance moved to Agriculture Island. It had belonged to Mr. Pigg. Lady and Goldy worked there prior to James' uprising. James imprisoned Mr. Pigg in an attempt to take over Agriculture Island. But The Resistance used a Chinese Dragon to defeat James's biggest weapon, Cranky the Crane, and drove James and the Allegiance back to Sodor.

Skarloey was almost captured on a recon mission but Thomas saved him, getting captured himself in the effort!

What will happen next? Will Sir Tophamhat and Mr. Pigg escape? Will the Resistance stop James for good? Where the heck is Diesel 10 in all of this? And will Annie and Clarabel give up information to James, turning double agent, in an effort to save Thomas' life? And no one has seen Henrietta for some time now. Stay tuned...

(The biggest fiction in this piece is the part about my diligent housekeeping!)


Lorraine said...

I love this entry. It captures something about childhood and all its dark secrets and conspiracies.

tuiess: someone who comments inappropriately on the way you sneeze.

Alpha Monkey said...

I think the innocence of childhood is not that the CHILD is necessarily innocent. They are wicked, lovely little things. I think the innocence is lost when kids figure out the world DOES work the way they imagined.

inifile: a person who likes bellybuttons in an inappropriate way