Friday, August 14, 2009

I love you, three-year-old

Our former neighbor's son's son...did you catch all that? next door today playing at our former neighbor's daughter's house.  Did that make sense?  It is all in the family, just not our family.  Anyway...

I get my occasional baby or preschooler fix by hanging out in the yard with the little kids.  Today it was a pair of three-year-olds.  Miss L is very fancy, even by 3 year old girl standards.  And Little Man W is all boy but in a gentle giant kind of way.  He is all about balls and trucks but is sweet and kind too.  He has these huge dark brown eyes and a husky old voice.  He does a little dance when you give him cheese.  He is the little one who looks up at Miss M and quite seriously tells her, "I Love You, Miss M.  I really do."  Oh.  I almost lost it right there.  But I will hold myself together because it just gets better.  I was up in the kitchen chatting with my friends/former neighbors who were watching all three of their grandchildren today at the house they used to own which is now owned and occupied by their daughter and her husband and two girls.  Staying with me?  So Little Man W comes up to the kitchen for some cheese and a little dance.  He looks over at me and says, "Hey, your friends are downstairs if you want them."  By friends he means my three children.  But if he looks at me and thinks I might be their peer, who am I to argue.  

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