Thursday, January 28, 2010

Let Me Frame This For You

Please note that Big C, my middle child, just turned 10 a week ago. When he was much younger, 5 maybe, he decided he wanted to be a scientist that studies winter weather so he could play for for the Red Sox in the summer. He is a planner, that one. This past summer he changed his mind. Now he thinks he will be Miss M's weekend Lab Assistant when no one else is at the Lab. What about the weekdays? I'm glad you asked. He thinks that mailmen have got it pretty good. He would like to drive the mail truck. He really likes the idea of spending all day alone in a box sorting things. Then at night he wants to write. (Perhaps the passing of JD Salinger is what prompted me to post this story!) Keeping his Introverted Nature in mind please continue...

Two loud and angry young boys come racing down the stairs. They are looking for their parents to help settle a dispute. The elder is clearly in tattle-mode. The younger, damage control.

Big C: Mom!! Little C is ignoring me! I am trying to tell him something and he is not even listening at all!

Little C: But...I was just reading! He is interrupting me!

Big C: Yah, but...

Mama: (calmly) Hold on. Little C, please tell your brother you are not reading now and are willing to listen. Big C, kindly tell your brother what you need him to know so badly.

Little C: (sigh, downcast eyes) I am sorry I ignored you, (voice raises) BUT YOU were...

Mama: Beep! Wrong answer. New parameter, you can only talk about yourself and your actions, not your brother's. Please try again.

Little C: (grumble, sigh, looks his brother in the eye) I am sorry I ignored you. I am listening now.

Big C: Thank you. (sigh, puts a gentle hand on his brother's shoulder) Little C, I was trying to tell you that I wanted to be alone for a little bit, ok?

Yes, indeed folks. The argument being made by Big C was that his brother was ignoring him when he was trying to tell him he wanted to be left alone!! There is some Circular Reasoning for you!

1 comment:

Jennifer Babbitt said...

I don't even know what to say. Big C makes me laugh!!