Friday, January 15, 2010

Another Opportunity to Learn From My Mistakes!

I have run into a small social situation. See, many of my friends on facebook tend to post to the sarcastic and funny end of the spectrum. Here is a great example:

Please put this on your status if you know someone (or are related to someone) who is an idiot. Idiots affect the lives of many. There is still no known cure for stupidity, but we can raise awareness. 93% won't copy and paste this, many because they're too stupid to know how to copy and paste. Will YOU make this your status for at least one hour?

Let me be the bad example again...please use caution when laughing (hahaha, lmfao, rotflmao, whatever your flavor) at things publicly. Just because something makes you roll on the floor in mirth, does not mean that is the correct response. And then some people use their Wall as a way to convey information. To confuse the two makes one look like an idiot. Let me illustrate.

The lovely mother of a couple of ex-boyfriends is on my friends list. Yes, I dated brothers. Neither concurrently nor consecutively. Does that help a little? Anyway...she wrote the following:

Uhhhhh, I fell and broke my tail bone last night!!!

To which I replied:


Now, before you decide I am a complete bitch, let me add to the story. She also subscribes to a semi-regular message from God. (Did you all know he tweets?) And just below her news of fractured vestigial organs, was the following:

God wants you to know.... that every little part of you is magical. Yes, even the parts that hurt, even the ones that are feeling disease right now. It's alright to love what is in pain. More than alright, that's exactly where your love is needed the most. So why not touch that part that hurts and smile at it, at yourself through it, and whisper: ''I love you.'' one else lol'd. The rest of the comments were all of a more concerned nature. So I tried to fix my faux pas. I tried this:

But the question remains: did you smile at your tail bone, touch it and whisper, "I love you" ?

It does not seem to have helped at all. More concern and offers for help keep rolling in. And there my comments sit. Strikingly crass and insensitive.

1 comment:

Jennifer Babbitt said...

Wet pants......again darn you.