Thursday, January 14, 2010

Dear Parents or Guardians,

Hello! I was technically the adult assigned to your child on the field trip today. I hope your son is feeling better this evening. We were all relieved it was just a baby tooth! For the record, the other two children in my care all day managed to avoid injuries.

I will have you know that it was not like I left them alone in the middle of the museum while I sauntered off. I am a veteran chaperone, specializing in museums and zoos. Keeping track of your darter was tricky, but I appreciate your dressing him in red today. It did make it easier to spot him as he constantly took off running in any direction but the one we were going. At the time of the incident your son was at the lunch table with 90 other kids and 27 adults. But chaperones need to pee too! Maybe, just maybe, your child should know better than to jump around ON the lunch table. And just maybe some of that responsibility is his. Because 7 is old enough to know that such behavior has a high likelihood of injury. If he didn't know that before the trip...he knows it now.

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