Sunday, November 2, 2008

Thank you Thank you Thank you

Do you ever have guests over and when they leave you feel like you should send them a Thank You note?  My dearest Dr. Fancypants and her Boy just left after a great 4 day visit.  Dr. Fancypants is like super-woman to me.  She is a vet and an artist and a mama.  And she doesn't just do these things.  She excels at them all.  Our whole pack loves it when they come to visit.  Except Olly.  He can't quite figure out why the Vet is here and why she is not leaving.

Dr. Fancypants sometimes feels like she does not have enough girl in her life.  Miss M is more than happy to fill the void.  Their new routine is DFP teaches Miss M how to cook incredible food and then we have a party.  Last night P&K came for dinner.  And, again, I feel like I should send them a Thank You note for we SO thoroughly love the time we get to spend with them.  Plus, they brought sweets! 

There is one more note-worthy item from this weekend.  It is November and that means NaNoWriMo.  This is the beginning of my second attempt at writing a 50,000 word novel in a month.  Technically, it is more of a 50,000 word first draft in a month.  If you haven't heard of it, look up and check it out.  Last time I tried it, I was pregnant and had two young bambinos.  Squeaking out a couple hours a day seemed perfectly simple on November 1st.  It did on the 2nd and 3rd too.  But then I lost it.  Someone was home sick from school and I got sick and Moose got sick (which means the mama gets no sleep).  By the time Thanksgiving rolled in I was so far behind on the word count that there was no point in trying to make it up.  But this year it is different.  Finding the time is really feasible.  I have been practicing for a couple weeks by wearing a watch.  I even look at it periodically.  Actually, I have calculated out that I can still get to yoga and find 2.75 hours in the middle of the day to hit my mark.  Anything I am short on can be rounded off before bed.  Day one went well.  Day two will start after I post this and cut my nails.  But I bring it up here because I am giving you all permission to harass me if I am slacking.  Oh, and the right to needle me incessantly should I not finish.  But it also means, that when I do finish, you may have to tolerate/suffer my gloating for a bit.  This also serves to explain in advance the tiara I will be wearing around on December first!

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