Thursday, November 13, 2008

reason #13... is nice to have all three kids in one school: they all catch the same germs at about the same time.  Yep, all of them are some sick today.  By my estimate we have 6 infected sinus cavities, 1 ear infection, 3 persistent coughs, and 4 pink and gooey eyes.  (And I am not even thinking about my yucky symptoms yet.)

I'll be taking all of my calls at the doctor's office today.  Just ask for the lady camping out in the waiting room...crying.


Jennifer Babbitt said...

I am so sorry. Please drink your emergen C. Please don't cry!! Come live in Arizona. No one is sick ---- yet. It is still 80degrees out.

Anonymous said...

Hey Alpha Mama - this has nothing to do with sick kidlets...have you heard of Adele - song - Chasing Pavements? If you are a fan of Ella & Etta, which I am pretty sure you are, you will dig this chicks voice - oh, tell AZ that you CAN'T move...who's little monkey's would I kidsit! JR

Alpha Monkey said...

JR: I have thought all week the song was about chasing penguins! I could NOT figure out the lyrics. I even left Jen in AZ a message asking for help figuring it out! Good song. I do love her voice even if I can't figure out what she is saying!

Anonymous said...

Hey Mama - you should watch the video...then you will really be confused! JR