Saturday, February 27, 2010

Explain this to me...

I can't drop my child off at a birthday party in a padded room without signing a waiver. Someone spills take out coffee while driving and the whole industry adjusts. When I got the wrong patient's test results mailed to me there was a HIPAA-sized shake down at the clinic. do guns get in the hands of mentally ill people in school parking lots? I can't figure it out. I thought there were checks and rules and what-not. The only thing I can think of is that there are not enough law suits. If people started holding the gun shops responsible for the crimes committed with pieces they sell...they would be more selective. If gun manufacturers were sued by the families of the children killed with their weapons maybe they would re-design safety mechanisms. Tort initiated self correction.

I want the statistics. I want to know how often a gun is fired outside of a training range. I want to know how many of those shots are discharged in defense of life or property. I want to know how many of them are fired in assault. How many were a threat or a warning? Why are we not applying data-based decision making to this subject?

Here is a movement for you...what about a rash of law suits? So many that the distribution veins are crippled. The more expensive and tangled the better.

1 comment:

babbittmotorwerks said...

I totally agree. I love that the new legislation that requires gun shop owners to keep track if any of their merchandise has gone missing or being slammed by the gun shop owners and the NRA???? What the crap?