Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Not Rockwellian. Not Orwellian. Ah Ha! Tragic Realism.



A salt-crusted minivan sits at an odd angle, spinning its tires in the deep snow. Clearly, it is not making any progress. After a bit, the engine turns off but the headlights remain illuminated. The driver door opens as the side door slides open as well. A mother and two boys step out into eight inches of snow.

MOTHER (slipping): Oh shit!

10 YEAR OLD: You should not swear.

MOTHER: I know, I know. Sorry. How about, Ah Heck!

10 YEAR OLD: Better. Want me to get a shovel and dig out your car?

MOTHER: Oh, Sweetie! That is a nice thought, but how about helping me carry in the groceries first? We'll make dinner and then come back out and do the whole driveway when dad gets home. Shoveling this driveway is a tedious job.

6 YEAR OLD: I'll do it!! I want to do it!! I love devious jobs! (he runs to grab a shovel)

MOTHER (holding in a laugh): Honey! I did not say it is a devious job. I said it is a tedious job.

6 YEAR OLD (standing all American Gothic with the shovel): What does tedious mean?

MOTHER (juggling 3 bags of food and the house keys): It means boring and repetitive with no end in sight.

The shovel falls slowly into the drift. A small poof of powder erupts where it lands. Fresh boot prints, Children's size 12, lead away from the spot. The sound of muffled, quick steps fades away.


1 comment:

Cal said...

Hahaha, love this. Next time I shovel I'm going to giggle thinking about it being a devious chore.