Thursday, February 11, 2010

Memo to the Backseat:

Children, children, children...

When you end every sentence with a questioning inflection how am I supposed to know when to nod or say, "Hmmmm," or add, "That's a good question"? In essence, when I am organizing the lives, meals, and schedules of 5 humans and 4 animals in my head as we drive home from school, that rising tone that usually signifies an actual question is my cue. That is how I know that it is time for me to interject some sort of noise to the constant droning hum in the back of the minivan.

And be don't really care what I have to say at that point anyway. All you want is some slight acknowledgement that I am present. Hint: I am the one driving. But if you need more than that inserted into the cacophony, you will need make it clear when you would like me to join in.

Thank you.

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