Friday, October 24, 2008

Two silly conversations

Conversation the First:

Moose: I saw the guy in the hall at work today with the p_rn stash.
Mama: What?
Moose: He has a crazy, 70's p_rn stash.
Mama: And he still has his job there?
Moose: What?
Mama: He hasn't lost his job?
Moose:  Why would he?
Mama: What?
Moose: It is just a mustache.
[proverbial light bulb flips on]
Mama: Oohhhhhh!
Moose: What?
[Mama takes a moment to catch her breath after the laughter]
Mama: I thought you meant a stash of p_rn from the 70's.  Not a stache like a 70's p_rn star.
[Moose doubles over in laughter]

Conversation the Second:

[A mother and young child sit at the family table practicing his handwriting]
Mama: Here, let's write the word "pumpkin."
Little C: OK, tell me the letters.
Mama: P U M P K I N
[the child carefully writes the word and then sounds it out]
Little C: [laughing hard] Haha, it says puMPkin!  Mama, you spelled it puMPkin!
Mama: That's how it is spelled, baby.
Little C: [abrupt change from laughing to serious] What? 
Mama: That is the word. Pu-MP-kin.
[silent consideration]
Little C: Not puNkin?
Mama: No sweetie, the vegetable is a pumpkin.  You are a punkin.
Little C: ???

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