Thursday, November 12, 2009

Moose Lessons

Moose is not perfect. Lord, don't get me started on his imperfections. You don't have the time and I don't have the bandwidth. But there are days when he gets it so right.

Like the evening a couple of weeks ago when I was trying to get some writing done and he closed the door to the room and told me he would get the kids going on homework and put them to bed so I could work. Then he brought me tea. And Oreos. (Which made Lorraine swoon.)

And today, when he called me before leaving work. He said he had a plan. It involved the kids going to bed early, opening a bottle of port, some Stilton, and watching Glee and Project Runway. And yes, I asked him if maybe he was a little gay. Which is totally cool. No judging. But then he told me the rest of his plans and, let me assure you, that he most certainly is not!

1 comment:

Jennifer Babbitt said...

Oh my goodness he missed you!!! Sounds like an amazing evening. There is such a touching moment with Sue in the show - I shed some tears.