Thursday, October 1, 2009

Library Rules

Aren't they just 1) Don't be loud and 2) Don't leave a mess?

Turns out, these basic rules are not enough. I am sitting at a library near Moose's office and the first rule listed is: "Physical, sexual, or verbal abuse of other library users or library staff is prohibited."

It is followed by 17 other rules that I am having trouble believing need to be posted on every door, computer, and table ANYWHERE let alone a public library. They range from "no open beverages" and "no skateboarding inside building" to "no carrying weapons of any type unless authorized by law" and "no interfering with the free passage of others." Here is my favorite: "No interfering with others' use of the library through poor personal hygiene."

I guess the signs outside posted at EVERY parking space should have tipped me off that this is no ordinary library: "DO NOT LEAVE ANY VALUABLES IN CAR."


Lorraine said...

My favorite nuisance rule (from a Exxon gas station washroom in Bellingham, Washington): "Do not hang from towel loop. Do not insert head into towel loop. To do so could result in injury or death."

insalaxi: where you are when you're wearing gabardine trousers on Capri.

Pat said...

I blame the lawyers.

Alpha Monkey said...

Pat, you are the lawyers! :)

This particular branch had also removed all tables and seating from the periphery of the library. The only place to read was in the middle, by all the "No Sleeping" signs.

It is not the lawyers in this case. It is poverty and crime and homelessness.