Monday, October 26, 2009

ED or not ED...

Why, in those Erectile Dysfunction advERtisments, are the middle aged couples always outside? A Queen sized bed on a deck. Two bathtubs on platforms in the wild. Hello? These aren't plumbed! Who in the hell would feel like doing it after carrying buckets of cold water from the exterior faucet to the tub over and over. I mean, sure, he could carry three at a time, but that is very tiring work. The tubs would still have to sit in the sun all day just to get close to being lukewarm.

Now I'm thinking that malaria and giardia need to be added to the list of STD's that Viagra, Levitra and Cialis don't protect you from. And their bed with no mosquito netting!


Lorraine said...

The part I hate most about those commercials is explaining them to my father. He can't figure out what the hell they're about. What kind of idiot lets the tub overflow--and what are the odds she's married to a moron who can't set the timer on the oven?

Sometimes being in the sandwich generation is really more than I can bear.

And my word verification is "spingnis." Go ahead and make your own joke about that one.

Anonymous said...

Okay, here's your neighbor, JRK, just checking out your blog for the first time. I'm already hooked. It's awesome. Thanks.

Alpha Monkey said...

Hey, neighbor lady! Thanks for reading. I am glad you like it!