Thursday, February 5, 2009

Olly Has a Bath

Apparently all of his fluff is just a disguise. Underneath it all he is a scrawny hound. Nice cover, in a witness protection program kind of way. Highly effective. So effective, in fact, that the kids were laughing and asking who the skinny dog in the shower was. (I was in no way offended, as there was no chance they meant me!)

The following are in chronological order. Thanks to Miss M for the shower shots, since I was in my swimsuit and as soggy and dejected looking as the dog at the time!


Jennifer Babbitt said...

That has got to be the cutest dog I have ever seen. "I want to go to there." and curl up with him.

Alpha Monkey said...

He is a snuggler and about the size of a body pillow. But his tail wagging will keep you awake and wherever he goes Geneva expect two of them. And you should "to go to here." But wait until it is warmer.