Wednesday, December 31, 2008

I love school holidays

I might like them even more now that I am not in school.  If my kids were at school all day would I hear these little gems?

Big C: I have the top score! (Wii fest in the livingroom.)  I have the first and third highest on this game.  That leaves only the second spot open.

I am afraid I did remind him how ordinal numbers work.  A third without a second?  Not possible.  Also, rankings.  Big disappointment to the boy.  Now he is avoiding that game at all costs, talking up EVERY OTHER game so his siblings won't be tempted to play and he will hold the record for all eternity.  

Then there was Little C wandering in to the kitchen for food at 10:30 am.

Little C: I am totally not getting a candy cane.  I counted them all on the tree and I know there are enough for everyone, but I am not asking.  

Mama: Not asking, huh?

Little C: Nope.  But could I have one of those eggs that goes in this instead? (Here, he indicates the antique silver jigger on the counter.)

Mama: Do you mean a soft boiled egg or a gin soaked egg?

Little C: What?

Mama: I will make the eggs.

Little C: After the egg I might count the candy canes again.

1 comment:

Jennifer Babbitt said...

Little C makes me cry laugh. I love the things he says. I don't think he says it for anyone to even hear. Hope your Holiday went well!!