Wednesday, September 2, 2009

In Real Time

Olly and Geneva have some small animal trapped under the Air Conditioner just outside the window by my desk. Olly is going round and round with his nose wedged underneath. Geneva keeps running 20 feet away and pointing like a looking around for someone to notice that she is doing her job. Then she bounces back to join Olly's effort to inhale the thing out from under there.

And now Miss M has joined them trying to figure out what the critter is. She brought treats but I am not sure if they are for the critter, the dogs, or herself.

Geneva points.

Olly finishes the treats and is pushing Miss M away with his head.

Geneva bounds back in the fray.

Miss M is being jostled about and laughing about while trying to come off all Alpha to the dogs. Sweetie, Alphas don't laugh with their minions, they laugh at them.

Geneva jumps out again to point. She is staring hard at Miss M, clearly looking for some "Good Dog!"

Miss M gives up trying to look and tries instead to lure the dogs away. Not happening.

Have I mentioned that last time they did this Geneva broke her toe trying to dig through the concrete slab under the AC?

They have cornered baby rabbits, mice, chipmunks, and a baby bird under there before. Today though, my guess is toad.

I am wondering what the chances are that they have trapped the woodpecker that is drilling holes in my redwood siding. Pretty slim, I think. I am not that lucky.

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