Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Atta girl!

Miss M is completely in love with MIddle School. In an "Up With People" kind of way. It is super cute. One of her assignments last night was to think of three things to tell the class that would teach them something about who she is.

Thing 1: She can build a great campfire and cook lunch over it.

This says she is a self-reliant young lady who is also a caregiver.

Thing 2: She taught herself how to read when she was two.

It's true. Freaky, but true. This tells people that she is a problem solver and isn't afraid of a big project.

Thing 3: She would really like to learn how to hotwire a car.



Jennifer Babbitt said...

I love the reference of "Up with People".

Lorraine said...

I remember seeing Up With People at my junior high school back in the (cough)1970s(cough). It shook me to the core. I believe that was the day I decided that I would join the bad girls and smoke behind the baseball dugout instead of going to Home Ec. A lot changed that day. A lot.

aeoph: the sound you make when a six-iyear-old boy jumps on your stomach at 6.45 in the morning.