Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Business Idea

What do you think of this one as an alternative, or perhaps a partner to, Dooce's approach to Hate-Comments?

I will track down (not hard to do with the right software) the Trolls and start an incessant insult campaign back against them. My basic package would include comments on their pages calling them every horrid name they have flung around. Add-ons could include: being rude to their friends, threatening their families, and contacting business associates to let them all know just what kind of person they are dealing with. I think multiple messages to employers are in order. I will offer harping on physical flaws they have no control over for free to the first 100 orders. The hunter becomes the hunted.

The beauty of my plan is that I wouldn't have to write a single original thought. I'll just use their own words back against them. Whose boss wouldn't want to read the things being posted during company time? And wouldn't their mothers or children be proud to read the writings of someone so inspired?

Or, imagine this one, people actually engage the part of their brain that reminds them to use the remote control to change channels when something comes on they don't enjoy. Silently. Without harassing anyone. And then go watch/read programming that actually appeals to them. I think this one could, in a Pay It Forward kind of way, bring us all a little closer to World Peace.

1 comment:

Lorraine said...

Peace, shmeace. I have a list of 25 people that I'd like you to get started with as soon as possible.

sessess: the sound chubby thighs make in corduroy.