Sunday, March 8, 2009

I get burned again

The latest installment in the life of our heat-challenged hero in which she gets burned again.  This episode: Hot Coffee.

Alpha Monkey had finished the second coat of paint (roughly the color of 85% cocoa dark chocolate) of the base coat for the mural she is painting on her bedroom wall (pictures to follow).  She had even cleaned up the supplies and herself (no pictures to follow).  She wanted a little drink but as it was only 4 in the afternoon on a Sunday she thought it had better contain coffee too.  She is nothing if not respectable.  Alpha Monkey took out a lovely, glass Irish Coffee mug from the china cabinet, filled it with coffee from the pot, and plopped it in the microwave to super-heat it so the cold Bailey's from the fridge would make it just the right temperature.  Removing it from the microwave, she poured in the Bailey's.  But suddenly, she noticed how dusty the mug was so she grabbed a linen napkin and held the mug as she wiped it clean!  All was well until she held it up to the light to make sure she removed all the dust before putting it to her lips.  Alas, the hot liquid sloshed a bit over the edge and splashed upon her wrist.  Ouch.  She assumed there was enough alcohol in there to kill anything that might cause an infection in the burn so she wiped it off on her shirt (the linen napkin was all dusty) and went to her bed to enjoy the drink and watch the paint dry.

Join us again next time when Alpha Monkey bites into the won ton in her soup a burns herself from teeth to trachea. 

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