Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Daily Vocab

Today we have two words: extortion and monopoly. Both words are brought to you by Miss M and her clever, clever brain that is built for planning. And also for finding the advantage in a situation. Both useful skills, no doubt. They will get you places in life. But not necessarily when used together and in this way and in MY house.

See, she has checked out ALL of the Calvin and Hobbes books from the Public Library. She is hoarding them in her room. And she is trying to charge her brothers 10 cents for 15 minutes access to the stash.


suzy said...

genius genius geni-yuuuuus....

Lorraine said...

oooh, that's a scary girl. Brilliant, you know, but scaaaary.

Word verification: paimo


Julia said...

Brilliant girl, indeed! And Calvin and Hobbes? You've done something very right.