Monday, April 20, 2009

I have never not ever gotten an F...

So my new driver's license arrived today.  Hooray DMV as I only went in to renew it 7 days ago.  Hooray to the photo snapping lady for pulling out a picture that looks like what I think I look like!  Pleased with it all, I show it to the middle boy who is home today and he reads all the info on it like he will be quizzed on it later.

Big C: Why did you get an F?

Mama: What?  Where?  Oh...that means female.  Because your mom's a girl.

Big C: It said "sex" and I thought...well, they should write "gender" instead.

Mama: I think it has to do with space on the card and sex only having 3 letters compared to gender's 6.

Big C: So it is not a grade?

Mama: (light bulb!  The boy thinks they tested me on "sex" and that I failed the exam!!) Hang on, I have to pee....!!!! 

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