Friday, April 10, 2009

gator bait

While on a carriage tour of a working plantation in South Carolina our tour guide/driver said the following:  "Naw y'all feel free to just ask me any questions and I'll do my best to answer them.  And if I'm not quite sure about the answer I will tell you a lie and y'all will never know the difference."

Now, Ted is a sweet old guy.  And still quite dashing in an aging Atticus Finch kind of way.  But Dear, Sweet Old Ted did not count on my three children when he pulled away for a 20 minute drive around the property.

Most of Miss M's and Big C's questions were well considered.

And yes, he truly did offer to toss Little C off into the swamp to um..."stir up them gators."  But to be honest I was almost there myself.  Little C was asking him things like "what are ALL of the kinds of trees in South Carolina?"  That's the one that almost landed him in the tidal estuary.  Also worth mentioning was "what is 200 times 72?"  And bless that man for answering Little C every time.  

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