Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Runny Fabbitt

At physical therapy today the pain in my hip had finally subsided enough to address the SI issues.  My therapist told me I should start to thinking that I might not be able to run.  Ever.  Without some surgical intervention to fuse my pelvis.  Youch.  I can deal with no more running.  But then I started listing all of the other things I like to do and as long as they don't hurt and don't jar my joints I am all good.

He showed me how to self-adjust my SI joints and you know what?  I was sore after hitting golf balls but tried the little maneuver in the car at a stop sign and it worked!  When I got out of the car I felt great.

Also, he adjusted my pubic bone.  That one always shocks me as it is accompanied by some loud noise.  I think the people in the next room over might have heard it.  He showed me how to have Moose help realign it at home.  To which I said nothing.  I sort of froze.  Mostly because two things popped in my head at the same instant and I couldn't decide which response would be funnier.  One of them is true and one is false.  Can you guess which?

A.  That's assuming he could finally find my pubic bone!


B.  It's only fair as he's the one that keeps knocking it out of place!

1 comment:

Jennifer Babbitt said...

what the hell. I didn't know the pubic bone could be adjusted.