Thursday, May 14, 2009

Pro Rida (subtitled, Go With The Pro)

The new packaging on my tampons says "pro comfort." I wonder if they mean professionally comfortable or rather that they are in favor of comfort. Having used their tampons for 2/3 of my life, I would like to think of myself as a professional caliber user in favor of a cozy product. It seems silly to have to mention it but I guess I certainly wouldn't buy anything for my chocha marketed as "anti comfort." Perhaps just being next to the "pro comfort" on the store shelf implies that the other would somehow be less than that. Like they are against your being your most cozy during that special time. Or perhaps that the others are merely amateurish attempts at feeling good while managing your flow.

1 comment:

Jennifer Babbitt said...

Wow. I have never even read the box. I will have to put more effort in digesting the marketing techniques of the tampon makers. I totally don't want to go with one that isn't the biggest PRO!!

By the way the word verification is HONSO. Like short for Hans Solo. Love my words