Thursday, April 7, 2011

English Teacher to the Stars

I may have found the job I'd like! But, like cuddling baby apes, I don't know if anyone is hiring. On the upside, it appears no one is doing it. And there is a real need for it. By all accounts I'm hitting on a real growth opportunity here.

Thinking of how to build a resume, I am going to come up with some brief, little lesson plans based on current songs. For example:

If the Far East Movement had handed me the lyrics to the song "Rocketeer" I would have handed them back all marked up with red pen. And then lectured them on the topic of cliche.

Don't get me wrong. I really like the song. And I sing along all happy up to the point where they say:

I'm like, oh,oh,oh,oh.

Hey, guys, a simile actually needs to make a comparison in order to make any sense at all. This one? It's like lazy, lazy, lazy, lazy. Good try for a first draft. But you have more to give than this. Rework and resubmit by Friday.


Lorraine said...

This is definitely better than my idea of "Counting Better with Eddie Vedder"

WoVe: oleddh, which is Welsh for old and maybe a little dumb.

Alpha Monkey said...

But your title has that mass-market appeal and would sell even if the product was lax.