Thursday, April 23, 2009

My Sugar Baby

Last night Little C and I made a quick run to the mall to exchange Big C's shoes.  He loved how the Keens fit but freaked at the thought of mulch or a stone getting in there.  So we got closed up tight Keens.  I swear that is not a metaphor.  Would I do that to my child?

While at the mall we also took in the Lego store.  Little C was talking like a freaking insane adult obsessed with legos.  The overaged boys working at the store loved him!  They even let me in on a little secret.  They will be getting in more sets of The Twilight (Star Wars The Clone Wars) sometime this week.  But get store they will have a special where you can get it for $50 instead of the regular $99.  The one who gave me the business card to call and check on the arrival said he could tell Little C was an advanced builder.  Little C would like to invite the giant man-baby to his birthday party.  Like that wouldn't be creepy at all for the other parents dropping off their kids.

We also went and looked at Mama shoes.  Let me stop right now and remind myself to print this out and seal it in an envelope addressed to Little C's future therapist.  Ok.  The baby wanted to try on high heels and I let him.  It was fun.  He was using them at first to see how much taller he was and figured out that the increased height was directly proportional to the size of the heel.  See, like math homework.  He started looking for the highest heel he could find and that was when it started.  The conversation about what he does and does not like in a heel.  Yes, the hours of watching What Not To Wear have finally paid off and my son is channelling Clinton.  Or maybe Stacy.  The people around us were giggling but refrained from video taping it and posting it on YouTube before we even left the store.  He settled on a pair of hot pink satin Kate Spade mules with a 3" heel.  Nice choice.  But as Kate Spade was not offering the same 50% off for buying in store as the adult-Lego-child was I did not buy him the shoes.  

But here is the cute part.  Or maybe the twisted part.  Trying on those shoes and being so grown-up about it made him very happy.  He was hugging me and kissing and saying things like "Let's find you some red shoes now, mommy" and also "you can have anything you want, mama, just pick it out and you can have it."  I love that baby!

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