Can you even imagine the JOY in this dog's life? He was doing that four-footed dig. Jumping and playing in the mud. Enjoying Spring and all the fun it brings. I would have smiled and photographed the frolic if I hadn't just spent the morning cleaning my house.
Here is how I recommend handling this sort of mess.
1. Fill a large, shallow container with hot, soapy water. The kind for storing sweaters under the bed works well.
2. Take that container outside your door. Bring along a towel. Perhaps a washcloth as well, depending on the size of the dog and the % of his surface area covered in mud.
3. Wash one pair of paws at a time. Keep a good grip, or you just have to start over again.
4. Dry as much as you can and then banish the dog to an acceptable space inside to finish drying.
5. I almost forgot! Take photos. You might need them for evidence some day. You know, in case it eventually goes from Worse to Worst. Then you can pull them out when people ask where that big, crazy dog went. You won't have to say a word.
The first time Elvis did this, I tried to coax him into the bathtub.
THAT went well.
Oh. My. Gosh.
The picture of his feet made me gasp and I tried really, really hard not to laugh but a little giggle may have slipped out.
You could also title this post "Reasons to get a cat instead of a dog."
It is ok to laugh at mud tentacles.
What is hard to appreciate here...the mud easily 4 feet in diameter!
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