Monday, May 11, 2009


Qualifier: I could not make this shit up.

The conversation at the dinner table about what each person's patronus (expecto patronum!) would be was quite interesting.  Miss M would have a raccoon (dexterous, puzzle solving, similar eating habits).  Big C a loyal, protective dog.  Moose would have a bear but not a moose.  Little C would have a playful and clever otter.  This is what I got:

Miss M: Mom would have some kind of bird...

Mama: A duck?

Big C: No, a turkey.

Moose: What?

Big C: Because they are so intelligent.  They are like the smartest bird ever.  Benjamin Franklin thought they should be our national symbol, not the bald eagle.

Miss M: Is it the crow or the raven that has the messy feathers and spends it's time alone?

Mama: The raven.

Miss M: Then you are the crow because they are more social.

Little C: I think a crabby bird.  Geese are crabby.  Cause mom, you are always crabby so I think it would be a goose.

Big C: She is only so crabby because we are so naughty.

Moose: Little C, apologize to your mother.

Mama: (If it wasn't for that shot of gin in my lemonade tonight I'd be going goose on all your asses right about now.  I think that raven thing sounds better and better all the time.)

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