Monday, May 3, 2010

Feeling old

It is not because I turn 38 in a few weeks.

It is not because my last baby turns 7 today.

It is not because I am likely to be black and blue again from my mammogram later today.

It is not even because I have had to come to terms with the fact that I will be plucking that one chin whisker for the rest of my life. The one I have written into my Health Care Directive. The one my kids have to PROMISE to remove from my chin when they visit me in the Home. Because if the mortician has to do that for me none-a-y'all are getting a penny. The bulk of my estate will go to start a program to fund electrolysis for the elderly and infirm.

It is because I found a crazy nose hair this morning.

And because now I have to rewrite my Health Care Directive AND my will.


suzy said...

HAha...haven't found one of those yet.
but...i do have a wee mole on the side of my face that sprouts a hair every now and then. boo.

Lorraine said...

I was actually thinking of writing a post about age today. I looked in the mirror this morning and realized that today was the best I was ever going to look for the rest of my life. Tomorrow would be just a little puffier, saggier, discoloureder. I looked at my many tiny pots of expensive skin cream and realized that they could no longer pretend to save me.

Look at it this way: I will always be a DECADE older than you. There, don't you feel better? I need to go out and find a 57-year-old who won't mind if I smirk at her jowls.