Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Fatal Flaw

I was waiting in the car line the other day outside of the middle school. I know Miss M didn't mind my singing show tunes in elementary school but I was trying to be thoughtful and not go too crazy at the new school. But then this song came on the radio. And I was totally loving it. My head was nodding along. My hips were moving too.

And I was thinking that this song could be great. One of those coming of age anthems. Like At Seventeen only perky. And without the depth. Or depression. I loved the idea that here was this young girl, ready to step into the world, catching a song she loved in a moment of trepidation. And then she rocked it.


...abruptly and from nowhere she sang, "Party in the USA!"


It is like someone wrote this song and then Walmart stepped in and said, "Hey, Miley, Baby! You know that song? And you know your clothing line we carry? Well, if you sing about not caring what shoes you are wearing and then about not caring about fitting in and just being all happy and stuff with yourself...the way you already are...? Do you see where we are going with this? And your contract clearly states that you will support sales of your line. Do you need me to translate the legalese? No? Good. So what what we are thinking over on this side of the table is that if you add something to the refrain about the USA. You know we always like to push that. Oh, and maybe tweak it a bit to make it sound like she is going to a party. Because 'going to a party' ranks 4th in the tween target market's reasons to go buy a whole new outfit."

Miley sits in silence for a moment. "Um. Well. I could like totally sing 'Party in the USA' in there somewhere."

"We knew you would get it! Now if you could change the title from "I'm Gonna Be OK..."

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