Thursday, October 29, 2009


Shhh. Moose is playing hooky. We got all the kids to school, had a conversation with the principal about AYP and school-dependent learners, and went and swam laps. Now we are enjoying a little "dueling laptops" and coffee after a nice little lunch. It has been quite a treat.

Except (and you know by now that even during a lovely day like this there will be an exception...) the part where he was eating his baguette. Imagine the 1/4 loaf as viewed from the top. He started by tearing it in half left and right. He set one down. Then he pick up a half and split it lengthwise again. He set the top 1/4 (technically 1/16 of a full baguette at this point) down and started eating the bottom 1/4. He generously offered to share it with me. And I reached for the intact half so I could take the bottom portion. And then this happened:

Moose: Why are you taking that piece? Take the one I already ripped.

Alpha: You aren't saving that part because it is your favorite part?

Moose: No. Which part is it?

Alpha: What??!!? How do you not not know?

Moose: Um. I just tore and ate the piece in my...hang on...right hand.

Alpha: You don't look at a whole chunk of baguette and already have a plan for how you are going to eat it? You don't eat the tougher bottom part first on purpose?

Moose: Yah. No.

Alpha: You don't have a plan for how to eat everything you eat?

Moose: Yah. No.

Alpha: I eat things in a specific way in a specific order. Always. Even a glass of water.

Moose: So it is not confined to that thing you do with m&m's and lining up the lid just right on take out coffee?

Alpha: Yah. No.

Moose: Huh.

Alpha: I am still struggling with the fact that you seriously don't care HOW you eat your food.

Moose: Yah. Not so much. Like, not at all.

Alpha: I hardly know you.


Lorraine said...

This story makes me a little nuts. I. for example, am so clued in to how food is consumed that a handful of mixed nuts can occupy me for 15 minutes.

Alpha Monkey said...

Sing it, sister! He has no idea how he is eating! I cannot really even comprehend that.

The first time I was aware of this was when I was 3 or 4 eating dry roasted peanuts with my dad and watching a college basketball game (Georgetown vs. NC). I still eat the half peanuts first. I start with the nubbin, then line the groove up (centered) on my bottom teeth, and crack it into quarters. And if they are not even, I eat the smaller quarter first. I don't have time to explain what I do with a whole peanut.