Thursday, July 30, 2009


When Miss M was little, I used to kick soccer balls at her hoping they would stick.  Technically, I rolled them hoping she would kick.  Twirling away from me was her polite way to decline my offer.

But now...

Both my boys are starting soccer in a few weeks.  Since Big C is entering a league with kids who have a couple of years under their belts I thought a few practice session wouldn't hurt.  Also, a DVD or two from the library for exposure to the basics.  Plus we picked up a couple of books.  Nothing puts the fun in sports quite like research and studying I always say!

So today I took them to a field with a couple of balls and we ran drills and practiced skills and guess what?  I had SO much fun!  And they did too.  Know how I know?  When I checked the time, 2 1/2 hours had gone by and no one had asked to stop or play the DS even once!

I would be remiss in my parental obligation to brag if I didn't mention that those boys worked hard and hustled the whole time.  Even when it rained.  Even when I made them do push-ups for hand balls.  (Little C even did intentional hand balls just so he could do a push-up.  This one is our contrarian while the Big C is our rule-follower.  Miss M is the rule-adjuster and loop-hole-finder.)

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