Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Little C is learning to read.  And because he likes to be a little tricksey as well, he has taken to spelling some things backwards.  On purpose.  And he is reading his books upside down.  How very Seuss of him!  

The other night when Moose got home from the office Little C ran up to him and said, "I figured out how to read, dick."  It made more sense when he showed his dad the Dick and Jane book he had been working on.  It was still funny.

Also, Little C has a bit of an accent.  We don't know why.  His J's sound French.  He rolls his R's.  There is a hint of Hogwarts about him.  It is a sad commentary to admit I think he learned part of it from the drive up ATM.  But it makes listening to him read a complete joy!

And now he is sounding out our names phonetically when he wants our attention instead of just saying Mom or Dad.

I answer to Mmm--aah--mmm.
Moose responds to Duh--ah--duh, which makes me giggle!


Anonymous said...

You mean like when he says "shaycup Shoredan"?

Alpha Monkey said...

I would have spelled that Zhay-kob Zhor-dan.