I may have found the job I'd like! But, like cuddling baby apes, I don't know if anyone is hiring. On the upside, it appears no one is doing it. And there is a real need for it. By all accounts I'm hitting on a real growth opportunity here.
Thinking of how to build a resume, I am going to come up with some brief, little lesson plans based on current songs. For example:
Don't get me wrong. I really like the song. And I sing along all happy up to the point where they say:
I'm like, oh,oh,oh,oh.
Hey, guys, a simile actually needs to make a comparison in order to make any sense at all. This one? It's like lazy, lazy, lazy, lazy. Good try for a first draft. But you have more to give than this. Rework and resubmit by Friday.
This is definitely better than my idea of "Counting Better with Eddie Vedder"
WoVe: oleddh, which is Welsh for old and maybe a little dumb.
But your title has that mass-market appeal and would sell even if the product was lax.
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