Thursday, February 10, 2011

don't know what you've got til it's gone...


There was a comment on my earlier post today. I deleted it. And I'll tell you why.

It was anonymous and I thought it was insulting toward Moose. I thought it could have been meant in a funny way but on the off chance that Moose read it (I mean, he always reads them because I leave him voice mails telling him to read them) in a way that hurt his feelings I did not want to leave it up. I mean, really, it is not like I am swamped with so much feedback here that it would go by unnoticed in the flood of responses. I also do not get so many comments that his hide has thickened up. So I went into Alpha mode and moderated that one right out of here.

Well, it turns out....

It was not insulting. It was self-deprecating.

Oh that? That is something I can get behind! My husband recognizing a minor flaw that I didn't have to point out? Second helping of that, please!


Pat said...

So you're going to re-post the comment, right?

Alpha Monkey said...

He'll have to do that...I deleted it.