So, what I am wondering is this: are you no longer a role model? Or do you just not recognize that (according to your latest song) sucking the dick of a guy who does not know your name just because he would rather do that than sit in traffic is also part of a pattern of unhealthy, self-destructive decision making?
Where is your mother, child? Because you need some serious muth-er-ing!! And since everyone around you seems more interested in making money off of you than in YOUR welfare or the health and welfare of the kids who listen to your music I will do some pro bono mothering right now.
Drugs. Alcohol abuse. Early sexual activity. Hyper-sexuality. Relationship abuse. ALL THAT SHIT is related to low self esteem and self-loathing. The wack-a-do hair and the outfits and the strutting around--its a mask. And no one tells you not to because you are lining their pockets. In fact, I'd bet they encourage it.
When the girls who listen to your songs and behave that way get pregnant and suffer the downward social and economic spiral that is teen one is going to help them out. News flash!! Getting a boy to have sex with you is not power! It's about the easiest thing in the world. The 55 year old, scarred up, disease ridden hooker still makes some money, honey.
And what about the boys (who think a man should behave the way the pigs in your songs do) who end up with children they cannot even begin to care for or support? And what about those children, who are born into circumstances they statistically have almost no chance of changing and every chance of repeating...what about them?
Here's what you are going to do. You are going to walk your ass down to an urban grade school and volunteer. You are going to sit in a classroom with children who are not regularly bathed, fed, or put to bed because their parent is beyond overwhelmed. You are going to help those kids learn to read. You are going to do math and sing songs and play games. And you are going to fall for them. I swear it is true. Those kids will amaze you every day.
Then one day you will go to a pre-production meeting for your next album, review lyrics and song choices, and realize that the machine whirling around your career is chewing those kids up and spitting them out. And when you learn to give a shit about their lives and their welfare and their futures, maybe you'll have your epiphany.
Until then use this as your litmus test: "Would I walk into a classroom of 10 year olds and be ok reading these lyrics to them? Would I explain the innuendo to first graders and be proud to teach them something new? Can I walk out of that middle school, picture them emulating these behaviors, and feel good about what I have accomplished?"
No? Then you are singing the wrong song, sweetheart. You can carry the tune, no doubt. But you have not even begun to carry the load.
*Feel free to substitute Katy Perry, Ke$ha, or any of the other famous, young girls who have no understanding of the impact their media has on children and teens.
Amen to that. BTW that was way to eloquent for Footloose Dad. He was ignorant and pathetic. You, my dear are so articulate and educated. I nominate you to mother all of the crazy rock stars out there!!
I haven't heard her songs lately so I am a bit shocked with the dick sucking lyric. Yuck. I am into a Paul Simon, James Taylor, Jason Mraz, Sarah Barrilles phase.
Can you please write a post on that CHILD Miley Cirus. She needs some parenting in such a bad way I might be so inclined to nurse her to do my part.
i love this. "entertainment" these days is kind of AWFUL.
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