Monday, February 22, 2010

My advice: fake it!

Sitting in a waiting room recently, I picked up a ladies magazine. Maybe it was more of a girly magazine. No. That's not right either. I think the target market is the 18-20 female crowd. Pretty narrow range, I know, but the articles were not showing much range either.

But the best one...from a ridicule standpoint...was the one about How To Fake An Orgasm. It started out with the whole should you or shouldn't you debate. That lasted about a paragraph. Then it carried on under the guise of the time may come (sorry) when you will need to know how to fake one or two.

My problem with this is not that I have some strong moral stance about honesty in bed. I just think they have it backwards. I mean, if you are going to lie about something shouldn't it work in your favor? If you fake an orgasm, your partner will settle in right there. No growth. No improvement. No real orgasm for you next time.

I say, fake it...but pretend you are NOT having one. Might just make them work harder in the future.


Pat said...

Sounds like she raised the bar, Erik.

Alpha Monkey said...

He's up for the challenge, Pat.

Pat said...

Oh, I had no doubt. I'm sure he has game.