Tuesday, January 19, 2010

We are leaving Bigots on the list!

Dear Crotchety Man,

Can I call you Crotch? I was kind of shocked by the back end of your car today. The impact left me more than a bit shaken. All those bumper stickers...I couldn't even count them all, though I tried. (Of course I tried!)

I might have convulsed at the disarray and general lack of symmetry, but the words on your vehicle made me clench a bit. What a load of hatred! Psychology 101: you treat people the way you feel about yourself. Interesting concept. Kind of makes me wonder about your childhood.

I am not sorry that we took Women, Minorities, and Other Religions off of your "Acceptable to Hate Aloud in Public" list. Yes, hating people because of their Religious Ideology is off the list. You should have gotten that note. Please update the back end of your Bigot-mobile as soon as possible. We are working on getting Homosexuals removed as quickly as we can. The Poor and Impoverished are well underway too.

What will you do then, Crotch? Will you remove those vinyl strips promoting acts of violence against the Poor? Will you buy a new car rather than try to deal with the paint damage and crusty adhesive under all of those blurbs about Gay Marriage? You can leave the ones with Bible verses on them, I guess. Maybe they will help you reflect on your Christ. About what he valued in others. About what he asked of his followers. And since you seem to have your head up your tail pipe, you should be able to read them just fine.

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