Sunday, September 13, 2009

A Letter From Her Younger Self

I ran across something Miss M wrote when she was 9.

I think some toys should be eliminated, then replaced. All vidio games need to be ridded of, along with guns (toy and real). If nobody likes fighting, war will stop!! No offence to anyone out there, but I don't understand fasion models. Girl clubs, or boy clubs, there only point is to leave others out. Couple of questines, Why do I care if I am dressed in fasion? Can I not decide myself? The answer is this: the most popiler person sets the trend. Everyone else copys her. The End.

As if we weren't already in love with that kid!

1 comment:

Alpha Monkey said...

I just figured out why it reads like English is her second language. It is that the ideas are much bigger than the ability to communicate them. The story of her life. Someday soon she will catch up to herself.