Wednesday, June 24, 2009

It's a Matter of Trust

Trust is not something I bestow lightly. I am reserved in many ways even with friends. So what does it mean that I can walk in to my salon, plunk myself down in a chair, and say "cut off whatever you want to cut off...try something new" ?  And then (and this part is even more amazing than the fact that this change was not planned) I remained perfectly calm while she grabbed the back of my hair and just whacked off a significant chunk before moving on to my color.  I really do mean she just whacked off a hunk of my hair.  The actual cut did not come until after the color was done.

I hadn't even thought about doing anything different until I walked in to the salon. It was a decision made on the spur of the moment in the heat of summer. I don't think Amy's adorable yellow sundress had anything to do with it, but it's possible.  She was looking very seasonal.  Mostly I think it is that she has been cutting my hair for a couple of years and she has never steered me wrong.  She has never promised anything she couldn't deliver.  And has never tried to pass a cut off as low-maintenance (which I require) when it really needs to be worked daily (which I realistically could never pull off).  I am even more impressed that she sculpted a terrific cut when, in the middle of sitting there with foils on my head, she received a phone call with some very sad news.  She is the consummate professional.  And I mean that in the "highly skilled and professional" way with the accent on the first syllable.  Not so much the way where the emphasis is on the third syllable.  (Although she did look very cute today in that dress!)

So here I am six inches shorter with the color I love (but don't get retouched often enough).


Lorraine said...

Ooh, imagine how it will look with a tiara, Duchess!

Alpha Monkey said...

I always bring one of the smaller ones with me so they can cut around it. Everything is done with my royal accoutrement in mind.

Word Varification: Phoload=> the art of faking the male orgasm.

Alpha Monkey said...

I just noticed the collar of that T is most wrinkly and undignified. Tsk. Now I'll have to sack the royal laundress. Wonder what she'll do with all that free time...and who will manage my ribbing?

In other news, I have suddenly found myself with quite a bit of time on my hands. Maybe I'll go get some new T's as my supply is about to run out with no one doing the washing.

Jennifer Babbitt said...

I LOVE it!!!!!!