Friday, February 6, 2009

How have I never read this book?

Dr. Fancypants gave me a copy of Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt.  I know it was a movie several years ago.  I did not see it either.

I love children's literature.  I love a simple story told truthfully and beautifully.  I like characters who get into trouble.  I melt into the pages of a skilled writer.  Just listen to this:

"Closing the gate on her oldest fears as she had closed the gate on her own fenced yard, she discovered the wings she'd always wished she had.  And all at once she was elated.  Where were the terrors she'd been told she should expect?   She could not recognize them anywhere.  The sweet earth opened out its wide four corners to her like the petals of a flower ready to be picked, and it shimmered with light and possibility till she was dizzy with it."

Thank you, Dr. Fancypants.


Jennifer Babbitt said...

That book has always been one of my favorites. The movie was not so good - don't ruin the book.

Alpha Monkey said...

That is why I am torn over seeing Inkheart. Funke is one of our most favorite authors. Have you read The Thief Lord? LOVE that book. Again--the movie disappoints. I have vowed to stop seeing the movies made of books I love.